How to Ask for a Refund from Norton?

Verify that you qualify for the refund by Norton's policy before taking further action. You can return any Norton product within the first 60 days of purchase. There is a 14-day money-back guarantee if you purchase a monthly subscription. Specific components

  • Taxes that apply
  • Fees for packaging and shipping
  • repeat purchases that were previously refunded
  • Virus-related harms to computers
  • some third-party purchases made
  • Any additional software is not for resale.
  • If you have already finished the setup or have redeemed Norton services.

 You can still ask for a refund if a member you already paid for renewals automatically, but you don't want it to be. You also have 60 days to cancel and request a refund with automatic annual renewals.
When should I expect to get my refund?
It is up to Norton to approve or reject your refund request after you contact the company's representatives or send them an email. The time it takes for the money to return to your bank account after approval could be up to seven days. If a problem occurs, contact their customer service and describe the circumstance.
Phone-based Refund Request
You can phone the customer service toll-free Norton Support Number Ireland +353-217319526 to speak with a representative and request a refund. You could have to wait longer if you call between 5 and 8 pm when they are busiest.
  1. Norton Subscription Refund Requests via Letter for Items Purchased at a Retail Store
  2. The procedure is slightly different for subscriptions purchased at a physical store. The processes to apply for a refund are listed below.
  3. From Norton's website, download and print the necessary form for your area.
  4. Give the required details on the form, then sign it.
  5. Locate your Subscription Key label on a CD or card envelope in the package you received.
  6. Print a photocopy of the original receipt with the purchase date, price, subscription key, and both.
  7. Send the application, receipt, and Subscription Key to the address on the application
Since 1991, NortonLifeLock has been producing the antivirus software known as Norton Antivirus. Although Norton is well known for its anti-malware tools that safeguard against computer infections, the program can also guard against phishing and spam emails. You might be eligible for a refund if Norton didn't meet your expectations.

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